© Datu Wali Mission Foundation
Village Senior Citizens Project The elderly in this culture are often neglected, and some are abandoned by their families. A poor family that struggles to feed many children and the husband’s gambling and/or drinking habit, will often sacrifice their parents and other elders. There are no homes or facilities for the elderly here, so if they live long enough to become unable to work and feed themselves, they are often considered obsolete and allowed to die or wander off without followup. We have always provided medical assistance and food (that was often stolen by their children) to elderly villagers when we learned of severe cases. But in 2017, we started a Saturday ministry that provides a hot, nutritious lunch to village seniors along with a short Bible lesson. Although this is suspended due to COVID-19 quarantines, we look forward to resuming the program as soon as we are able.
DWM Ministry Center with village seniors gathered for lunch Tboli men